Monday, May 17, 2010

3-20-07 show was about wire and loose bead flowers. Woud like info and cannot find on website.?

The lady on the show was making flower petals out of coiled wire and attaching a clead adhesive backing and dipping it in loose beads. Then she put together 3 petals and the center of the flowers, then two or three other patals and bound them together with floral tape. They were beautiful, but Carol did not show a book, nor mention anything about a book name that I heard. I tuned in just after she introduced the lady, so I did not get her name, but I think I have seen her on before. She was very pretty and tall and had blond hair. This looked like something I would like to try to do. If anyone has any info on this particular show, I would like to know. A date of 3-26 episode flashed on the screen, but I don't know if that meant to wait until next Moday to try to access web site or not.

3-20-07 show was about wire and loose bead flowers. Woud like info and cannot find on website.?
You must mean the Carol Duvall Show on

If you go to this site, it will show what was on the show on 3/20/07 --

Her guest was Linda Peterson - artist, designer, author of Stuck on Beads - Linda Peterson Designs


Good Luck! ~-~

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