Saturday, November 19, 2011

On the show, Max and Ruby, does Max have an autism spectrum disorder?

On the show, "Max and Ruby," Max is a 3 year old rabbit who is cared for by his 7 year old sister. (It is suspected that his parents were eaten by the same snake that killed Flower on Meerkat Manor.)

I noticed that Max's vocabulary seems to be very limited. Is this because he has a mild form of autism? Could it be because he has limited exposure to the English language? I imagine that his sister, understandably, is ill-equipped to socialize him properly.

On the show, Max and Ruby, does Max have an autism spectrum disorder?
it is a cartoon.
Reply:This question made me laugh. Report It

Reply:And chill. Max is 3. Report It

Reply:I stopped letting my kids watch it when I realized that the 7 year old was the primary care giver, and the grandmother was the only adult contact they had but she lived in a different house. Seven year olds, no matter how mature, are not equipped to baby sit a child alone. The fact that a 4 year old doesnt speak well is a matter that needs attention. FWIT when my 4 yr old only parroted, he was diagnosed with autsm.
Reply:I have never seen that show but my brother has autism and I can't imagine him watching that show and not wanting to stay by himself with just one of my younger siblings.

Yeah, I am glad he does not watch that show.
Reply:He's 3...and a rabbit...he won't have a very big vocabulary. It's just a cartoon!
Reply:You're kidding me right? This is probably the stupidest question ever.
Reply:your looking waaay too far into the cartoon♥
Reply:he might I am not sure I have noticed that too I have a 2 year old sis
Reply:haha im sure your looking into too much but i have often wondered why max doesnt talk much.
Reply:LOL! Thanks for the laugh.

shoe buckles

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